Making Smart Decisions
Green Cover Seed: SmartMix
Green Cover Seed mixes very complex configurations of seed for farmers who are growing cover crops to replenish the soil on their fields. Each type of cover crop offers different types of value for the soil such as nitrogen fixation, erosion reduction, weed suppression, etc. They wanted to develop an application called SmartMix that would allow farmers to build these mixes online, and to project the results in real-time as they were building their configuration.
Roles & Responsibilties
- Product Strategy
- Brand Identity
- UX/UI Design

Brand Identity
Smart Mix needed a new logo that would help people quickly recognize it as well as give insight into what the product does. The result is a logo that has both visual appeal, and visual/verbal recognition.

Logo Exploration

Product Design
With an endless number of potential configurations and limited screen real estate, We designed a multi-step ‘check-out’ system that makes the process as simple as it can be. The main challenge was hierarchy of information and making sure the user wasn’t overwhelmed at any one point of the process. The beta version of the app has been out for a few months and the customers have been raving about the experience. We did the design and brand identity work for the application. The front-end and backend were built by their in-house developer.